Participants: ASDE, BASA-ReSAC
In September 1998 German Aerospace Center issued an Announcement of Opportunity for the use of data originated by the payload of the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission. The evaluation was completed in March 1999.
From Bulgarian side Agency of Sustainable Development and Eurointegration (ASDE) participated with the project proposal "Model for Sustainable Development and Eurointegration for "Sofia-East" Ecological Zone". As a result of the evaluation process ASDE proposal was accepted. The SRTM data were used in the continuation of the project one result of which is the creation of the Digital Atlas of Ecozone “Sofia-East”. SRTM data were integrated and merged with other sources of satellite information, thematic maps, topomaps and reference data.
In the original data no editing has been performed, and the elevation data contained numerous voids and other spurious points such as anomalously high or low values.
For the correction of errors several image processing techniques and GIS analyses and processing were performed to obtain correct data. The BASA-ReSAC did data processing and analyses.
Participants: Institute of Ecology - BAS, BASA-ReSAC
For the implementation of the scientific research "Identification and determination of the location and area of the natural and artificial standing wetlands on the territory of Bulgaria” in the frame of the project “Inventory of the wetlands in Bulgaria” of the “Le Balkan” Foundation, standing wetlands in Bulgaria were mapped in scale 1:50 000.
Topographic maps in scale 1:50 000 and satellite images from Landsat-TM and Landsat-ETM with the spatial resolution 30m from year 1989 till 2000 were used. More than 7800 wetlands were identified, as only water mirror was mapped. Attributive information for approximately 2100 of them was added for name of the object, closest settlement, river and catchment on which they belong. For all the rest objects area and geographic location were determined. For mapping of the wetlands different techniques for image processing were used – supervised and unsupervised classification of the images, visual interpretation and digitalisation.
This is the first mapping in GIS format of all wetlands in Bulgaria, and database created for their area and location is unique. Later mapping not only of the water mirror, but also on the territories occupied with macrophytes around wetlands is proposed.
Participants: Proles Engineering Ltd., BASA-ReSAC
The regular updates of the Forest Management Plans (FMP) require update information for the forest cover and status. As such the IRS 5m. b/w images were used to assist in the FMP update.
An IRS image for 3 regions in Bulgaria has been processed - orthorectified, enhanced and subsetted to map sheets such as those of scale 1:10,000. The satellite images were used in the field work of the survey companies to locate the forest boundaries and other features as well as in the process of digitalisation in the office.
Participants: Municipality of Plovdiv, EWA Technologies, Stalker KM Ltd., BASA-ReSAC
In January 2002, the City of Plovdiv received an EcoLinks Challenge Grant to support the first phase of its Leak Detection and Abatement project in order demonstrate, on a pilot-scale, a leading-edge technical approach to water system leak detection using Web monitoring and reporting technologies. Based on a successful outcome of the demonstration, the project will also develop a cost feasibility study for the full, system-wide deployment of the leak detection technology discussed in this proposal.
The primary and overall goal of this Ecolinks project is to demonstrate, on a pilot scale, how the application of real-time and Web-enabled flow monitoring technologies can enhance the effectiveness of its Zone Flow leak detection effort. This pilot online monitoring, management and reporting system for the water system is comprised of one flow measurement device, communications equipment, a control/monitoring PC workstation, and remotely connected PCs. The monitoring system will be used in efforts to diagnose the city’s water loss problem, and as a tool to achieve the City’s water conservation and eco-efficiency performance goals. Performance data from the Ecolinks-funded pilot has been used to prepare a feasibility study for the expansion of the real-time monitoring technology throughout the network as part of the Zone Flow approach to leak detection and abatement, and as a component of a larger, multi-media monitoring and management information system.
This project has demonstrated that the deployment of real-time monitoring technologies has enabled Plovdiv to more quickly and cost-effectively pinpoint the areas where serious water leaks are occurring. Both the pilot and an eventual full-scale project will involve exports of U.S. equipment and technology.
Participants: FAO/UN, MoAFF, ROSA, CRUTA, ICPA, IG - Institute of Geography, USH - "Spiru Haret" University - Romania, BASA-ReSAC
The immediate objectives of the project are:
The achievement of these objectives will create the basis for the availability of accurate baseline information on land cover/land use and associated land characteristics, thus enabling the country to prepare and implement sound agricultural development plans, including criteria for land consolidation. The project will be a complementary data source for the World Bank project for cadastre undertaken by the National Office for Cadastre, Geodesy and Cartography (ONCGC) and also an important support for the planned agricultural census to be realised in late 2002 by the National Institute for Statistics (INS).
Participants: BASA-ReSAC, National Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology, National Forestry Board - MAF
The main objectives are to:
Basic information needed:
Real time information needed: