National Concept for Information System for Monitoring and Forest Fire Management
Participants: BASA-ReSAC, National Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology, National Forestry Board - MAF
The main objectives are to:
- Make compatible the data, received from meteorological and resources satellites, thematic and cadastral maps and various land geoinformation.
- System for assessment and prognosis of the fire ignition risk.
- Fire evolution model.
Basic information needed:
- Land Cover/Land Use maps;
- Forest database, structured according to the type, location, and inflammability classes; Archive system of forest fires and their characteristics, various physical characteristics describing fire ignition and distribution risk;
- Satellite information.
Real time information needed:
- Weather condition information;
- Satellite images;
- Detailed forecast of all important meteo-elements: wind, humidity, temperature, precipitation, soil condition, evapotranspiration.