Pilot Study on the Control with Remote Sensing of Area Based Subsidies in Bulgaria (2004-2005)
Participants: JRC, BASA-ReSAC, Intelgeo, AIRE/CTS
Main objectives:
- To test the whole process of CwRS on a pilot site
- From the point of view of technology
- From the point of view of organization on both local and national level
- To evaluate the possible sources for LPIS at national level
- To propose a global organization of the future Control with Remote Sensing Campaign for Bulgaria
Added-value objectives:
- To increase the awareness of citizen and national administration on CAP
- To promote GIS and remote sensing technologies in the agriculture on local level
Thus the project will help Bulgaria to find a solution for a rapid LPIS and IACS implementation before the integration deadline and to identify a technique compatible with the EU norms, regulations and recommendations.
The elaborated methodology will also set the technical specifications for the future campaigns for control by remote sensing of the arable and forage land area based subsidies in Bulgaria.