Partners ReSAC cooperates with a number of Bulgarian and foreign companies and organizations, acting on market of Remote Sensing and GIS technologies. Important partners from Bulgaria are also governmental institutions both on national and local level. Bulgarian Partners Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Ministry of Education and Science Ministry of Interior Ministry of Environment and Waters Ministry of Economy State e-Government Agency Executive Forests Agency Chief Directorate Fire Safety and Civil Protection Agency of Sustainable Development and Eurointegration - Ecoregions Bulgarian Information Office for Earth Observation - Copernicus Alliance for Environment Regional Environmental Center - Bulgaria Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Space Research and Technology Institute of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" Bulgarian Aerospace Agency (BASA) Atlantic Club of Bulgaria Sofia Municipality Rousse Municipality Vratsa Municipality Sevlievo Municipality Bolyarovo Municipality Suhindol Municipality Cluster Aero-Space Technologies, Research and Applications - CASTRA National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology Danube River Basin Directorate-Pleven East Aegean River Basin Directorate-Plovdiv Foreign Partners Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) European Commission European Space Agency (ESA) Joint Research Center of EU European Association of Remote Sensing Companies (EARSC) German Space Agency (DLR) Romanian Space Agency (ROSA) e-GEOS EURISY Association SI Imaging Services (SIIS) Euromap - GAF AG European Space Imaging (EUSI) Airbus Defence and Space MIRAMAP